Dennis Franklin

In 1999, I began to work for Ferraro & Assoc. Realty. What a terrific ride it’s been. This Agency is one of the best places I’ve ever worked in my life, mostly because of the wonderful colleagues and the family atmosphere that exits within the company. This of course is lead by our broker, Cathy Ferraro.

When I met Cathy at a wedding of a famous basketball star in Battle Creek Michigan. Shortly after that weekend concluded I knew that working for Cathy would be something I wanted to pursue. Personally, I have grown with the company and now do a lot of property management as well as selling and leasing of residential and commercial properties.

Prior to Ferraro & Assoc I spent 13 years with the Kingworld Productions in both Chicago and New York City, distributing TV shows the likes of Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy and Oprah to name a few.

Right out of college I spent a couple of years playing professional football with the Detroit Lions and a year in Canada with the Toronto Argos. My professional career was short lived, in my mind, because I was playing out of position at wide receiver rather than quarterback. Three years as quarterback for the University of Michigan was quite successful for me. We lost two games in three years and never played in a bowl game.
Real Estate is an ever changing business that I hope whoever reads this bio will know that we will do our best to help you any way we can at Ferraro & Assoc.

Dennis Franklin
323 – 440 – 8989
CalBRE # 01279193